
Build Your Own Gorgeous Birdbath DIY

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Birdbaths are getting expensive these days.  This DIY project is a bit messy but pretty easy and inexpensive.  There are an endless ways to make this your own.  Maybe you prefer a more angular shape than round.  Or you can press in some jewels or leaves.  Thanks to Sproutsandstuff for the idea.

DIY Concrete Birdbath For Less Than Six Dollars

 I set out this week to make something to add some structure around a couple of Japanese Maples that I have, so I decided to make myself a couple of simple birdbaths.
Here is what you will need:
1.  A pair of good gloves
2.  Dust mask
3.  Something to mix the concrete with (trowel, hoe, etc)
4.  Molds
5.  Mold release spray-I use cheap cooking spray
6.  Hardware cloth or chicken wire for reinforcement
7.  Wheelbarrow or tub large enough to mix the concrete in
8.  Concrete or a cement recipe of your choice, I used Quikcrete Commercial Grade Crack Resistant (for durability in my zone 5 climate)
9.  Water
10. Pair of cutters to trim the hardware cloth
Here are the steps to create your own masterpiece:

1.  Pick a set of molds-you will need three pieces for a birdbath.  I went around the house and garage and put pieces together to see what looked interesting and picked what I liked best.  Note: the inner mold should be no more than 2 inches because birds do not like deep water.

Images from Sproutsandstuff.
For the full instructions visit Sproutsandstuff.

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