3 Ways to Accent Dishes with Gold
White dishes with gold accents are beautiful because they have clean, simple lines. They go with everything and aren’t cluttered by color or busy patterns. They also make good gifts because you don’t have to worry about matching them to what someone already has. They’re beautiful all by themeselves.
Here are a few ideas for accenting dishes with gold paint. You can also adapt them for Valentines, Christmas, St. Patrick’s Day, and Fourth of July just by changing the color of paint you use.
1. Gold Accents
Use a gold calligraphy paint pen to draw little gold hearts to any white dish or mug. Drawing this many hearts can be difficult to get them all uniform, so unless you really like that look, I suggest using a small stencil. Valentines could be red hearts, and for St Patty’s use green clovers.
Note: To set the paint, let dry for 24 hours and then bake in the oven for 30 min at 350, letting the mug warm up and cool down in the oven. Hand wash.
Project and Image source: I Spy DIY
2. Gold Monograms
These mugs are monogrammed with a gold sharpie. Make small dots around the top and bottom of the mug and then hand draw the inital. Practice how you want it to look on a piece of paper first, getting the feel of the letter.
This project continues on the next page.